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Guided Meditation is a very powerful tool to use while having therapy for cancer. This CD set will lead you into a journey where you can take charge and direct your focus to health and wholeness, where you can create peace and well being.

It was first inspired when I was asked to speak to a breast cancer support group.

It can be used, very effectively, more generally, to gain health and wholeness.

Where your attention goes, your energy flows and result shows.

Using Guided Meditation regularly, the focus on HEALTH created in the CD becomes absorbed into the unconscious and thus part you and your way of being.

The instructions for its use are included. The 2 discs are similar. One component is left out of the 2nd disc (which can be used while you are having therapy, if desired)

Set the intention for health and focus all your attention and energy on its achievement.

NOTE: There are many issues that can come up with health challenges. It is important to get some professional support and tools to deal with these aspects that inevitably surface. The emotional, mental and spiritual parts of the Self require care and nurturing as much as the physical does!


2. Vision Into Inner Guidance – a Guided  visualization Meditation (available soon).

This is a Guided  visualisation Meditation that takes you on a journey through a garden and woods to a waterfall. In the meditative space you can find the guidance you require.

3. Vision Into Peace with the Past– a Guided  visualisation Meditation (available soon).